The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

B2 The Arizona Republic Thursday, February 4, 1993 Things looking Grimm for governor Phoenix agent files Texas suit against alleged Clinton lover The owner of a Phoenix public-relations firm has filed a lawsuit in Texas against Gennifer Flowers, claiming the woman who boasted iH 11 of a long affair with President Clinton cut him out of his share of a $1 million-plus nude-photo deal that landed her on the cover of December Penthouse magazine. The suit, filed in state court in Dallas on Jan. 27 by David H. Schmidt, owner of DHS Public Relations, alleges that Flowers backed out of a signed agreement naming Schmidt as her exclusive agent to negotiate KEVEN WILLEY Republic Political Columnist contracts for her to appear in male-oriented magazines. Schmidt's attorney, Chris Rentzel of Dallas, said Schmidt will be asking for more than $100,000 in damages.

Roy True of Dallas, Flowers' attorney, said Tuesday that Flowers terminated her contract with Schmidt after he admitted to her that he had cut a $100,000 "side deal" with Bob Guccione, Penthouse International's owner and chief executive. True also said that Schmidt broke the contract by disclosing to Penthouse magazine the terms of an offer Flowers had received from Sometimes it's the off-hand comments that are most revealing. Such was the case Wednesday, when Republican Gov. Fife Symington held a news conference to announce the results of his three-day foray to Washington, D.C., during which, Symington was pleased to report, he met with President Clinton, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt and others. When it came time for questions, reporters focused on Symington's much-publicized flirtation with the idea of creating a legal-defense fund to help him defray the mounting legal costs of his battle with the Resolution Trust Corp.

The governor announced that he was abandoning the idea, which had been the focus of what he described as an "overreaction" of criticism from people concerned that such a fund would smack of influence peddling. "I've come to the conclusion that, ethically and perceptually, it would be a mistake," Symington said. The obvious question Then came the obvious question: If you don't create such a fund, how can you afford to continue your defense against the RTC lawsuit estimated in the hundreds of thousands of dollars especially in light of your admission last week that your net worth has plunged to zero? life," the greedy monarch intones. The appeal of turning straw into gold is obvious especially if it's roughly analogous to some form of asset conversion. But there's more.

The maiden, who has vastly overstated her gifts, plunges into despair. At the height of her agony, a droll-looking little man hobbles in and offers to do the spinning for her. I'm skipping ahead in the story a bit here, but the desperate maiden, who has no wealth to offer the man in return, ultimately promises her first-born son to him in exchange for his courtesy. It works. The king is fooled, and the dwarf saves the maiden's life.

Better yet, the king is so taken with the maiden and "her gifts" that he makes her his wife. What does this mean? At this point, I begin to wonder what all this means for J. Fife Symington IV the governor's eldest son who was last spotted headed off to Spain. But never mind. The message here seems to be that the governor is an optimist.

In his line of work, you have to be. Symington's Rumpelstiltskin reference reveals his unwavering belief that some well-heeled force will intervene, as it apparently always has in the past, and magically transform his misfortune into advantage. Fair enough. But check out the rest of the fable. It turns out the little man does, in fact, return to claim the queen's first-born child.

Clearly, this is not something the queen anticipated. The maiden so like Symington failed to appreciate the ultimate consequences of her action. The queen becomes so disconsolate about the prospect of losing her son that the dwarf finally relents. On one condition: that the maiden correctly guesses his name within three days. Predictably, by the third day, the maiden has yet to guess his name.

Things are tense. As chance might have it, one of the queen's pages passes through the forest that day and spies a dwarf dancing around his fire, singing: "Little dreams my dainty Dame "That Rumpelstiltskin is my name!" This enables the queen to correctly answer the little man's challenge. Her baby is saved. The dwarf, having just lost what looked like a sure thing, is furious. So furious, in fact, that he splits himself in half as he stamps his foot through the floor in rage.

The question, then, is whether Symington will be as clever, or lucky, as the queen was in her dance with the devil. And, if he is not, at what cost to him, his family and his subjects? Playboy magazine. Last year, a similar suit filed in U.S. District Court in Phoenix was dismissed because Flowers lives in Dallas and the Phoenix court had no jurisdiction. Assailant in Chandler sex attack sought "Well, I've always believed in Rumpelstiltskin, so I'll call him," Symington said, obviously trying to make light of a question he had no intention of answering.

Not being an expert on fairy tales I'm OK on Rapunzel and Rip van Winkle, but a little weak on old man 'Stiltskin I had to reread the fable to understand what Symington meant. You might be interested in what I found. According to the Brothers Grimm, it's a tale of a miller's daughter who tries to impress the king with claims of being able to spin straw into gold. This excites the avarice of the king, who orders the maiden to work in a castle chamber filled with straw. "All this must be spun into gold before morning, as you value your Chandler police believe a man who tied a 4-year-old girl to an abandoned car in the desert and sexually assaulted her mother may have committed similar crimes in Mesa.

Police say the assailant is an Arizona native named Keith who may have relatives in Mesa. He is described as Anglo, in his early 20s, with Former educator gets 3 years for role in looting school funds LEGISLATURE In Brief Wednesday: Day 17 of the 100-day session Gasoline-pump latches: The Senate Commerce and Economic Development Committee approved a bill to require gasoline stations to install "hold-open latches" on all their gasoline and diesel pumps by Oct. 1, 1994. To Senate floor. By Brent Whiting The Arizona Republic Former Gila Bend educator Daryle Cue was sentenced Wednesday to three years in prison after pleading guilty to charges of fraud and theft for his role in a kickback scheme described as the largest public-money scam in Arizona history.

Cue, 60, former superintendent of the Gila Bend Unified School District, also was sentenced to seven years' probation and ordered to pay $1.38 million in restitution. However, Ronald Reinstein, the presiding criminal judge in Maricopa County Superior Court, said the crimes have cost Cue his wife and home, casting doubt on his ability to pay in full. Cue, who was ordered to surrender Friday to start serving his prison term, told Reinstein he was ready to face the music for his conduct. "I know I've committed a crime, and I shouldn't have done it," he said. Michael Cudahy, an assistant attorney general, described Cue as a pawn in a large-scale fraud engineered by J.D.

Hartgraves chief of the state Education Department for 14 years until his resignation in 1988. Hartgraves, 61, was sentenced Jan. 6 to eight years in prison after pleading guilty to one count each of fraud, money laundering and bribery. Cudahy has said that Hartgraves joined with Cue and others to loot school funds from July 1985 to August 1987 by diverting more than $1 million from U.S. education grants.

The prosecutor told Reinstein that Hartgraves, among other things, authorized phony book payments totaling $411,218 to Cue and received kickbacks for most of the funds. Cue also pocketed a payment of $26,865 from Hartgraves for bogus consulting work, Cudahy said. He said that Cue deserved a lesser sentence than the one Hartgraves received, noting that Cue assisted authorities in prosecuting Hartgraves. deep-set blue eyes and yellow, crooked teeth. The 22-year-old mother and her daughter were kidnapped early Monday from their apartment in the 800 block of North Dobson Road and held for several hours.

The child was not injured. Anyone with information about the crime or assailant is asked to call Chandler police at 786-2404 or Silent Witness at 261-8600. Panhandling barred at Sky Harbor Airport solicitors now will be barred from asking passers-by for spare pocket change inside Sky Harbor International Airport under a proposal approved Wednesday by the Phoenix City Council. Currently, solicitors are allowed inside the terminals as long as they have permits issued by the city. The decision takes effect immediately.

Airport officials said the move comes in response to a rash of complaints at Sky Harbor during the past several years. The council also approved a regulation banning the sale or planting of pollen-producing olive and male mulberry trees within city limits. The ban, which carries a maximum fine of $250, would not go into effect for at least another year. The delay was a concession to the nursery industry to give businesses a chance to get rid of existing stock. Phoenix joins Pima County as Arizona's only areas to ban the trees.

Pima County implemented its ban in 1984, and officials there have reported a dramatic decline in the amount of airborne pollen. Mecham loses protocol fund' appeal The Arizona Supreme Court has declined a request "by former Gov. Evan Mecham to review his appeal involving a so-called protocol fund. Misuse of the fund was one of the grounds on which Mecham was impeached and convicted in 1988. Mecham has been ordered to surrender the $79,782 fund to the state and pay a 20 percent penalty and lawyers' fees.

The high court declined Tuesday to hear his appeal. Guard picked for health-care project Members of the Arizona National Guard, who have pitched in for such emergencies as the riots in Los Angeles and the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew in Florida, may help in an ongoing crisis closer to home: the lack of medical services for needy Arizona residents. Arizona is one of 12 states selected for a pilot project that would put National Guard members to work helping the medically needy, Rep. Jon Kyi, said Wednesday. Services could include immunizations, treatment of infections and physical and dental examinations.

Arizona Army National Guard officials support the idea, a spokeswoman said Wednesday. "It's a great concept, and we would be extremely pleased in helping the people of Arizona in any way we can," Lt. Eileen Bienz said. She said the Guard is awaiting final military approval. The services would be provided to such remote areas as portions of the state's Indian reservations and fields where migrants work.

Services also would be offered in chronically underserved areas, such as downtown clinics for the homeless. Federal funds for the program are being negotiated, Kyi said, and some regulations still must be approved by the Defense Department before the program could begin. He said Guard members could be serving the medically needy in a month or two. www WWWWWWWWWWWW1 Sh'i, Famoui Old Time, and the Mary Sm Ciidn arc registered trademark! ol S't Candy Shopa. Inc.

1993 Sta Camfr Shopa. Inc Compiled from reports by The Arizona Republic and The Associated Press. Leaner Top Ten Ta lasting 1. Always hold the door open for your lady. 2.

Never swear in front of her. 3. Always remember her age as five years less than what it is. 4. Never go to sleep angry.

5. Always hold her hand when you take walks together. 6. Never forget an anniversary. 7.

Always notice what she is wearing before she asks. S. Never buy her a blender for her birthday. 9. Always help her with her overcoat.

10. And never forget the See's on Valentine's Day. LI QUOTE, UNQUOTE We are behaving as the most repressive government on Earth. Sen. peter Goudinoff, D-tucson LEADER OF AN UNSUCCESSFUL EFFORT TO REPEAL THE STATE'S MANDATORY-AUTO-INSURANCE LAW Story on Page Bl PressLine.

271-5656 Call anytime. Punch in the code for the information you desire. TEL-RENT APARTMENTSHOMES .7368 or RENT INfiab about that yaw dartt. SOAP OPERA SUMMARIES HOROSCOPES For a complete list press 1111 SKI CONDITIONS Purgatory 2006 Leanore says the last one's the easy one, since See's has twelve different heart-shaped boxes, priced from $4 to $50. "By the piece or by the pound, no one matches See's quality at See's price." Good tip, Leanore.

For shop locations and mail orders, call GENERAL INFORMATION News Channel 3 Weather 3333 KTAR Road Construction Watch 5827 or KTAR Arizona Lottery Results 7425 or PICK Time 8463 or TIME AUTO APPRAISAL LINE .2886 or AUTO ENTERTAINMENT KONCPhoenix GazclteConcert Line 1300 Recipe Hotline 2233 Am Hotline 2787 or ARTS Movie Time Line 3456 or FILM Republic Restaurant Review ....3463 or DINE Kyle's Theater Review 5953 or KYLE 98KUPD New Music Review 9800 TV Best Bets 9923 NEWS SPORTS Gazette Editorial Line 1 122 AP News Watch 6397 or NEWS Gazette News Update 7777 World News Report 9004 Fishing Line 3474 or FISH Republic Scores 9010 Snowbowl 2008 Sunrise 2012 Rockies 9011 New England 9012 Mid-Atlantic 9013 Appalachians 9014 West Coast 9015 Midwest 9019 HEALTH Dr. Art Mollen's Healthline 4444 What is Arthritis 4514 Headaches 4548 Hearing Loss From Otosclerosis 4638 Depression 4661 Chronic Fatigue 4665 How To Use Prescription Drugs 4765 Acid Indigestion and Heartburn 4571 Quit CigarettesLive Longer 4818 Am I Really In Love? 4854 Successful Relationships 4855 Coping With Being Down 4856 Cataract and "No Stitch Surgery" 4601 (RK) Alternative to Glasses Contacts .4603 Anorexia, Nervosa and Bulimia 4663 FINANCIAL NEWS For a complete list press 1111 Mortgage Rate Hotline 8000 CDMoney Market Rale Hotline 8900 Stock Quote Hotline 9000 Its like this," says Leanore Sanderson, "and please believe me when I tell you, but love's not easy. No sirree." "You gotta work at it and work at it," she says, and she speaks from some experience since Leanore herself has been married to her Charlie for some 57 years. So, with Valentine's Day fast approaching, we thought we'd ask Leanore if she wouldn't mind sharing with us some of her secrets to making love last forever and ever. ..9601 Nf-L NBA 9602 NHL 9603 NCAA Football 9604 NCAA Basketball 9606 AL Baseball 9607 NL Baseball 9608 AP Network Sports 9910 Sports Scoreboard 9911 TRAVEL WEATHER Press 0 before the area code before 26 cities accross the nation.

See's Tamous Old Time Candies Dialing before i phone number will mull in phone company loll cneric. The Arizona RepublicThe Phoenix Gazette II El I 1 a.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)
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